伊藤 哲 教授  (造林学)

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Goolge Scholar

  • Hirata R, Ito S, Eto K, Kotaro S, Mizoue N, Mitsuda Y, 2015, Early growth of hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) trees under different topography and edge aspects in a strip-clearcut site in Kyushu, Southern Japan. Journal of Forest Research, 20, 522-529
  • Yamagawa H, Ito S, Hosaka T, Yoshida S, Nakao T, Shimizu O, 2015, Effect of pre-logging stand type and harvesting roads on the densities of advanced-regenerated and postharvest-germinated tree seedlings after clear-cutting of hinoki cypress (Chamaecyparis obtusa) in Yoshinogari, Kyushu, Japan. Journal of Forest Research, 20: 236-243
  • Hirata R, Ito S, Araki M, Mitsuda Y, Takagi M, 2014, Growth recovery of young hinoki (Chamaecyparis obtusa) subsequent to late weeding. Journal of Forest Research, 19:514-522
  • 平田令子, 大塚温子, 伊藤 哲, 高木正博 , 2014 , スギ挿し木コンテナ苗と裸苗の植栽後2年間の地上部成長と根系発達 , 日本森林学会誌, 96(1), 1-5
  • 伊藤 哲 , 木崎巧治 , 光田 靖 , 平田令子 , 山川博美 , 三枝直樹 , 2013 , 木材生産性,土砂流出リスク及び渓畔林保全を考慮した自然林再生のための小集水域ゾーニング , 景観生態学, 18(2), 139-147
  • 光田 靖 , 伊藤 哲 , 家原敏郎 , 2013 , モントリオール・プロセスの枠組みに対応した広域スケールにおける森林の再配置手法の検 , 景観生態学, 18(2), 123-137
  • 佐藤 妙 , 伊藤 哲 , 宗円典久 , 光田 靖 , 2013 , 暖温帯山地河畔域におけるハナガガシとハルニレの分布解析に基づく自然林再生の優先度決定手法 , 景観生態学, 18(2), 149-157
  • Sugahara, K., Setoguchi, H., Kaneko, Y., Mitsuda, Y., Ito, S., Yamanaka, K., Sakio, H., Hoshizaki, K., Suzuki, W., Yamanaka, N., 2010, Phylogeography of Japanese horse chestnut (Aesculus turbinata) in the Japanese Archipelago based on chloroplast DNA haplotypes. Journal of Plant Research, in press
  • Mitsuda, Y., Ito, S., 2010, A review of spatial explicit factors determining spatial distribution of land use/land use change. Landscape and Ecological Engineering. in press
  • 山川博美,池淵光葉, 伊藤 哲,井藤宏香, 平田令子, 2010, 急傾斜地の照葉樹二次林における森林性ネズミによる堅果の散布. 日本森林学会誌, 92(3), 157-161
  • Sato, T., Ito, S., Mitsuda, Y., Soen, N., 2010, Impacts of land-use history on the diversity of a riparian forest landscape in warm-temperate Kyushu, southern Japan. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 6, 89-98
  • 宗円典久,伊藤 哲,光田 靖, 2009, 九州山地の中山間地域における土地利用の変化とその要因. 景観生態学, 14, (2), 129-138
  • Yamagawa, H., Ito, S. and Nakao, T., 2010, Restoration of semi-natural forest after clearcutting of conifer plantations in Japan. Landscape and Ecological Engineering, 6, 109-117
  • Kijidani, T., Hamazuna, T., Ito, S., Kitahara, R., Fukuchi, S., Mizoue, N., Yoshida, S., 2009, Effect of height-to-diameter ratio on stem stiffness of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) cultivars. Journal of Wood Science, in press
  • 山川博美, 伊藤 哲, 作田耕太郎, 溝上展也, 中尾登志雄, 2009, 針葉樹人工林の小面積皆伐による異齢林施業が森林の多面的機能に及ぼす影響, 日本森林学会誌, 91(4), 277-284
  • Top, N., Mizoue, N., Ito, S., Kai, S., Nakao, T., Ty, S., 2009, Effects of population density on forest structure and species richness and diversity of trees in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia. Biodiversity and Conservation, 18, 717-738
  • 井藤宏香, 伊藤 哲, 中尾登志雄, 2009, 南九州の壮齢照葉樹二次林における主要構成樹種の台風被害の特徴 −一斉萌芽に由来する二次林構造と地形の影響−. 日本森林学会誌 , 91(1), 35-41
  • Yamagawa, H., Ito, S. and Nakao, T., 2008 , Early establishment of broadleaved trees after logging of conifer plantations with different understory and logging treatments , Journal of Forest Research, 13, 372-379
  • 佐藤 妙, 宗円典久, 伊藤 哲, 中尾登志雄, 2008, 山川博美, 島田正浩, 光田 靖, 2008, 山城史跡の公園整備における管理目的設定のための景観解析と意思決定支援, 景観生態学, 12,(2), 33-42
  • 井藤宏香, 竹内朱美, 伊藤 哲, 中尾登志雄, 2008, 渓畔域の土壌基質に対するサワグルミ実生の根系の形態の変化 −アカシデおよびイヌシデとの比較−, 日本森林学会誌 , 90,(3), 145-150
  • 井藤宏香, 伊藤 哲, 中尾登志雄, 角本健一, 2008, 暖温帯の小扇状地に成立する渓畔林の動態に及ぼす地表変動攪乱の影響, 森林立地 , 50,(1) 17-24
  • 井藤宏香, 伊藤 哲, 塚本麻衣子, 中尾登志雄, 2008, 照葉樹二次林における林冠構成萌芽株集団の動態が林分構造の変化に及ぼす影響, 日本森林学会誌 , 90,(1) 46-54
  • Ito, H., Ito, S., Matsuda, A., Mitsuda, Y., Buckley, G.P., 2007 , The effect of micro-topography on habitat segregation and tree species diversity in a warm temperate evergreen broadleaved secondary forest in Southern Kyushu, Japan , Vegetation Science , 24, 171-182
  • Yamagawa, H., Ito, S., Nakao, T., 2007 , Edge effects from a natural evergreen broadleaved forest patch on advanced regeneration and natural forest recovery after clear-cutting of a sugi (Cryptomeria japonica) plantation. , Japanese Journal of Forest Environment , 49 , 111-122
  • Ito, S., Ohtsuka, K., and Yamashita, T. , 2007 , Ecological distribution of seven evergreen Quercus species in southern and eastern Kyushu, Japan , Vegetation Science , 24, 53-63
  • Mituda, Y, Ito, S., and Sakamoto, S., 2007 , Predicting the site index of sugi plantations from GIS derived environmental factors in Miyazaki Prefecture. , Journal of Forest Research , 12 ,177-186
  • Matsushita, M, Ito, S., Meguro, S. and Kawachi, S., 2007 , Structure of soil microbial communities in sugi plantations and semi-natural broad-leaved forests with different land-use history. , Canadian Journal of Forest Research , 37, 236-246
  • 伊藤 哲, 光田 靖, 魏 敦祥, 高木正博, 野上寛五郎, 2006, 数値地形情報を用いた希少渓畔樹種ヤクシマサルスベリの潜在的ハビタットの広域推定 , 植生学会誌 , 23, 153-161
  • Yamagawa, H., Ito, S., 2006 , The role of different sources of tree regeneration in the initial stages of natural forest recovery after logging of conifer plantation in a warm-temperate region , Journal of Forest Research , 11 , 455-460
  • Ito, H., Ito, S., Matsui, T. and Marutani, T., 2006 , Effect of fluvial and geomorphic disturbances on habitat segregation of tree species in a sedimentation-dominated riparian forest in warm-temperate mountainous region in southern Japan , Journal of Forest Research , 11 , 405-417
  • Ito, S., Ishigami, S., Mizoue, N. and Buckley, G. P., 2006 , Maintaining plant species composition and diversity of understory vegetation under strip-clearcutting forestry in conifer plantations in Kyushu, southern Japan , Forest Ecology and Management , 231 , 234-241
  • Kohama, T., Mizoue, N., Ito, S., Inoue, A., Sakuta, K., and Okada, H., 2006 , Effects of light and microsite conditions on tree size of 6-year-old Cryptomeria japonica planted in a group selection opening , Journal of Forest Research , 11 , 235-242
  • Yamashita, K., Mizoue, N., Ito, S., Inoue, A. and Kaga, H, 2006 , Effects of residual trees on tree height of 18- and 19-year-old Cryptomeria japonica plantroup selection openings , Journal of Forest Research , 11 ,227-234
  • Ito, S., Ishigami, S., Mitsuda, Y. and Buckley, G. P. , 2006 , Factors affecting the occurrence of woody plants in understory of sugi (Cryptomeria japonica D. Don.) plantations in a warm-temperate region in Japan , Journal of Forest Research ,11, 243-251
  • Yamagawa, H., Ito, S., Mitsuda, Y. and Fukuzato, K., 2006 , Effects of topography and management history on natural forest recovery in abandoned forest after clear-cutting in Miyazaki, Japan , Journal of Forest Research , 11, 99-106
  • Top, N., Mizoue, N., Ito, S., Kai, S., Nakao, T., Sokhun, T. , 2006 , Re-assessment of woodfuel supply and demand relationships in Kampong Thom Province, Cambodia , Biomass and Bioenergy , 30 , 134-143
  • 伊藤 哲, 藤井奈津子, 西脇亜也, 光田 靖, 2005, 数値地図50mメッシュ(標高)を用いた地形解析に基づく林畜複合生産システムの適地選定手法 ―宮崎県諸塚村を事例として−, 景観生態学, 10(1), 37-44
  • 伊藤 哲, 野上寛五郎, 2005, 屋久島低地におけるヤクシマサルスベリを含む渓畔林の種組成と立地環境 , 植生学会誌, 22, 15-23
  • 伊藤 哲, 光田 靖, G. P. Buckley, 2004 , 絶滅危惧腫ハナガガシの個体群再生を目的とした森林タイプの再配置 , 景観生態学, , 9(1) , 18-25
  • Ito, S., Nakayama, R. and Buckley, G. P. , 2004 , Effects of previous land-use on plant species diversity in semi-natural and plantation forests in a warm-temperate region in southeastern Kyushu, Japan , Forest Ecology and Management , 196 , 213-225
  • Neth, T., Mizoue, N., Ito, S. and Kai, S. , 2004 , GIS based analysis on potential supply and demand of woodfuel . A case study in Kampong Thom, Cambodia , Forest Ecology and Management , 194, 369-378.